The Environmental Impact of Buying Refurbished Copiers

"Going green" seems to be a very common trend these days. From household cleaning products to the car sitting in your driveway to the recycling bin at your grocery store, almost every product has a way to help preserve the environment. But did you know that you can take this a step further and keep your office green as well? Buying refurbished copiers can help save money, natural resources, raw materials, and help protect the environment.

Buying a refurbished copy machine means that you're eliminating the need for new raw materials for a new machine. This helps preserve the natural resources that are necessary in the manufacturing of the plastics, metals, and chemicals in the ink and toner. The natural resources that are preserved in the manufacturing process alone are reason enough to consider buying a refurbished copy machine.

Copiers can also have power save modes or sleep features. This is very similar to when your computer goes to sleep after a period of inactivity. The copiers will go through the same process, shutting down unnecessary programs in order to save electricity. This not only puts money back in your pocket, but also helps cut down on your company's carbon footprint. Looking for the "Energy Star" logo on your refurbished copier is a wonderful way to make sure that your copier has been endorsed by the government's energy saving programs.

Even simply buying ink and toner cartridges and refilling them after they've run empty can help lessen the impact on the environment. This process will provide the same benefits that buying the refurbished copier will: lessen the use of natural resources during the manufacturing process, and reducing the need for raw materials.

Refurbished copiers also help keep the materials out of landfills. Copiers and ink and toner cartridges are composed of elements and chemicals that take hundreds of years to completely decompose in a landfill. Buying a refurbished copier can help reduce the pollution from the landfill.

Refurbished copiers are a wonderful way to help reduce the impact on the environment. Even big brands like Canon copiers, Ricoh copiers, and Toshiba copiers can be refurbished to help keep your office eco-friendly. So if you need to help keep your office green, why not buy a refurbished copier? From preserving natural resources, cutting down on raw materials, and reducing the energy costs, refurbished copiers are a wonderful way to help protect our environment. sells copiers such as Canon copiers, Ricoh copy machines, Konica Minolta, Kyocera, and Toshiba copy machines - all available with the best copy machine warranties in the industry. The company has been leasing and selling certified used copiers across the United States for more than a decade.

Environmental Protection Done Right

There are right ways and wrong ways to protect the natural environment, and the Obama administration recently demonstrated how to go about it the right way.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently announced plans to expand two national marine sanctuaries on the northern California Coast. If approved, the proposed expansion and existing sanctuaries will jointly protect more than a third of the state's offshore waters from oil drilling, seabed mining and ocean dumping.

Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., who retired from Congress this year, correctly said "This area is a national treasure." (1) She and Sen. Barbara Boxer, a fellow California Democrat, spent the last eight years fruitlessly seeking congressional approval for its expanded protection.

The Obama administration is handling the matter well in several ways. First, it's starting by focusing on an area truly worth protecting. The stretch of coastline in question is spectacular, and spectacularly productive. It alternates sandy inlets with timber-backed rocky cliffs, stormy in winter and shrouded in cold fog regularly throughout the year. The waters teem with sea life: fish, sea birds and marine mammals alike.

Though conservationists have focused on banning oil drilling on the coastline, the fact is that there probably isn't all that much oil to be found, and whatever there is can be replaced by oil from far less sensitive places. In our endless debates about oil development, we sometimes forget that by developing the resource in less critical places, we can afford to protect the locales that matter most. Development is less hazardous onshore than offshore. Hydraulic fracturing allows much more production from onshore sources, and every barrel that it produces in places like the New Mexico desert or the North Dakota plains is a barrel we don't need to take from offshore sources, whether in the Gulf of Mexico or along the California shoreline.

Conservation, done correctly, focuses first on the places we most ought to conserve. In this case, the administration has clearly chosen one of those places.

Moreover, Obama did not opt to just expand the marine sanctuaries by executive order, despite lobbying from California's congressional delegation for him to do so. Though such an expansion is within the president's legal rights, it would have produced a reflexive backlash. The Los Angeles Times reported that congressional Republicans have warned the Obama administration against exercising its powers that way.

Instead, the NOAA will employ the standard procedures outlined in the National Marine Sanctuaries Act. This process includes public hearings that will begin this month; it takes about two years overall. Though it may be slow, the process will give anyone with an objection a chance to air it. Chances are that any objections will be few and relatively minor. Congressional approval is not required.

In the meantime, no one will drill or mine the stretch of seabed at issue anyway, so coastline advocates won't lose anything in those respects regardless of the delay. When the sanctuaries are approved, as they are almost certain to be, the biggest and earliest practical impact will be in the mundane arena of pollution control. Ships will be required to strictly control their waste and contaminants while passing through the area. Nobody will object to that.

If the day should ever come when the nation believes it has no better place to drill or mine for resources than this beautiful stretch of coast, Congress can always intervene to permit such action under whatever conditions it chooses. Oil drilling would not necessarily hurt the region's wildlife. But the day for that debate, if it ever comes at all, is far off.

The Benefits of Undergoing Stormwater Training

Surface water pollution is one of the things the Clean Water Act manages. If left unregulated, the pollution can become unmanageable and destroy aquatic wildlife. This will in turn cause harmful effect in the ecosystem and create a huge disturbance in the natural balance of things.

Effective management of water pollution is not only beneficial in the environment but in industrial settings as well. If chemicals or physical objects pollute the surface water in construction sites, projects will most likely experience problems. If you or your business is in the construction industry, undergoing training will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need. These will help you manage the surface water pollution while securing the success of your construction projects.

Protecting the Environment

Industrial waste is one of the main causes of water pollution. The hazardous chemical and harmful discharge from plants and factories kill hundreds of sea creatures and destroys their natural habitat. When you and your staff undergo training, you will learn how to manage them properly. You can prevent them from even entering the water systems. After receiving training, you will have a renewed commitment to protecting the environment for yourself and the future generations.

Preventing Legal Problems

Violating the guidelines set by the Clean Water Act can get you into a serious legal action. You may find yourself paying high fines or facing imprisonment of up to a few years. If your business is found guilty, it may be fined or even closed altogether. Undergoing stormwater training helps you avoid any legal issues and secure success in all of your endeavors. Whatever the size of your business, you can ensure smooth sailing in all of your projects and ventures.

Preserving Natural Resources

The world is slowly running out of natural resources. In a few years time, we will be facing scarcity at all fronts and we will all scramble to reuse as much as we can. If you want to ensure a bright future not just for yourself but your children, you need to start preserving nature's gifts. Water is provides sustenance for all living creatures and it is something we should all start conserving. No matter how abundant it may seem, you have a responsibility of protecting the earth that offers you life.

The Clean Water Act has set up a program called the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) to uphold water quality standards. This ensures eco-friendly practices that not only protect the environment but also ensure efficiency in industrial activities. If you want to earn the permit and ensure you achieve the above-mentioned benefits, you need to undergo training and understand the system better.

Websites like offer custom training and ensures certification for all of its participants. These companies are promote the goals of the Clean Water Act and makes sure everyone does its part in protecting the environment. You can get in touch with them to provide individual or group training.

Saving The Environment Through Natural Organic Solutions

It has been a great achievement over the years, to see people embrace new solutions which are meant to conserve the planet we live on. This is quite encouraging mostly with the use of products which are environmental friendly like those that can decompose.

Soil, water, air, animals and human beings make up the environment, which needs to be maintained in a good shape to ensure that we all enjoy the life and continue to find enough to live on.

Water is quite crucial in our daily lives as well as the soil. This has seen the need to use manure in the process of farming which is quite compatible with the living organisms which live there, unlike harmful chemicals. This is because the chemicals used will often have an adverse effect on the water which people may be drinking downstream. Therefore, even in controlling the pests on a farm, it is good to control them creatively and naturally; like through use of wood ash.

Driving has become quite common and this has led to excessive production of harmful gases in the environment. This has brought on board the use of unleaded fuel which will produce less poisonous gases. This has helped to keep the ozone layer safe and thus no ultra-violet rays coming through to earth.

Power production is yet another area where there is need for people to be aware of needed improvements. This is because scientists have already discovered means of producing energy through friendly ways like the use of solar gadgets. The type of power is quite simple and supplies a lot of energy without a huge bill as well. Through this, the production of electricity generated in a certain area will reduce and thus curb the risk of gases being released into the air.

The awareness of the need to use power in a manner that does not lead to wastage is on the rise. This is where people are informed on the various power-saving ways like switching off bulbs which are not in use or fluorescent tubes which save on energy usage.

It is quite important for a person to use the public transportation as much as possible instead of always driving a personal car. Harmful gasses are thus reduced as a number of people are using one single vehicle like a bus. Use of a train is also quite helpful as it uses electricity which poses a lesser risk to the environment than fuel.

Natural organic solutions for cleaning has been discovered and thus people are in an advantageous position of being able to use less harmful products. This is in the case of natural and organic products which are manufactured with the idea of conserving water or beneficial microorganisms they may come into contact with when being used. Some herbs are also used to clean surfaces and these can kill harmful organisms like bacteria.

The awareness of the need to use power in a manner that does not lead to wastage is on the rise. This is where people are informed on the various power-saving ways like switching off bulbs which are not in use or fluorescent tubes which save on energy usage.

Recycling is another great idea which has come into its own and is getting a lot of positive attention, all in the direction of saving the environment. When papers, plastic bottles and other household items like plates are reused, we all save a lot of resources.

Use of environmentally friendly products should be given much more attention by one and all. We all live on this planet and the better we take care of it, the better our children and our grand children's lives will be.

Clifford Woods is the CEO of Organic Environmental Technology.
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