Alternative Fuel for Fulfilling our Energy’s Need

As a human being, we cannot be separated from the use of energy. Energy is needed to work, take care of our children, have recreation, and etcetera. It’s been ages that people use fossil fuel to support their lives. Some of the kinds of fossil fuel that are used are gas, oil, and coal. We use them to lessen our workload. We use them to travel from one place to another. And we use them to create electric energy that makes our living become brighter and more entertaining.
However, using fossil fuel all the time to make our lives more effortless has its own disadvantages. Fossil fuel gives off bad gases when it is used. One of the gases is Carbon dioxide. If one inhales this gas for a long time, his health can be affected. Moreover, not all the country in this world can produce oil fuel. Therefore, some countries need to export it from other countries. When the oil is transported by ship, it often gets an accident and causes the oil to spill in the ocean. It is of course will endanger the lives of the sea creatures. The last one is that, fossil fuel will ran out someday. We all know that it was formed under the earth and need thousands of years of process. Therefore, we need to use it wisely and find a way to create new fuel sources.

With the development of technology, scientists have made an invention creating new energy. This energy is formed by renewable fuel sources. The source of the energy is contained in crops such as corns. The crops, however, have been bioengineered so that it can produce high quantity of cellulosic ethanol with minimum cost. Once, the scientist get the starch of the crop, they process it so that it produce fuel that will help us in living our lives. This alternative fuel is also environmentally friendly because it releases lower carbon dioxide than fossil fuel does

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